
Where have I been?

120 National Park Service Units

120 National Park Service Units

Junior Ranger Quinn

A little about me …

  • My favorite park is Shenandoah NP

  • I have summited Bearfence Mountain 9 times

  • NPS Volunteer

  • I recently raised over $900 for Shenandoah National Park Trust for my 8th birthday fundraiser!

  • Last year I raised $500+ for Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens for my 7th birthday fundraiser!

  • My 120th unit is Belmont-Paul Women's Equality NM in September 2023

Mid-Atlantic & National Capital Regions

See my park units!

North Atlantic Region

See my park units!

Southeast Region

See my park units!

Midwest Region

Did someone say Sleeping Bear?

Southwest Region

See my park units!

Rocky Mountain Region

See my park units!

Western Region

See my park units!

Pacific Northwest & Alaska Region

Take me to Kat-mai!

Blue Lightning Bear Swag

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