Blue Lightning Bear

Blue Lightning Bear

Each national park journey is different. For Chris and Quinn, it’s a father-daughter quest to reach all 424+ national park units filled with curiosity, love, passion for photography, and stewardship.

Why Blue Lighting Bear? This is the name Quinn came up with for our little blue camper. Quinn’s nickname is Bear, and she has a love for AC/DC and David Bowie, hence the lightning bolt!

Follow our journey!

Portrait of Quinn wearing shirt with Blue Lightning Bear logo on it while standing in front of Statue of Liberty Museum sign.
Portrait of Chris waring a Blue Lightning Bear shirt with camera bag strapped across chest wearing hat and sunglasses on top of hat.





We know you have a road trip playlist, and so do we! We’re sharing songs that inspire us, and embody the spirit of Blue Lightning Bear… a little bit rock n’ roll, a little bit classic, a little bit indie pop, and 100% us. Take a listen and share some of your favorite songs with us!

Native Lands

Many people may not know about the origins of the lands they explore - even in their own backyards. Blue Lightning Bear strives to support awareness of the Indigenous heritage of our public lands.

It is a learning process for us, but we are working to educate ourselves on each of our park visits.

Our home base is on the Native Lands of the Piscataway and the Nacotchtank (Anacostan).

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